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Let's now transition over to the crystal section of this post where i'm going to be recommending five crystals to help you get a better night's sleep. some of my crystal practices when i go to sleep at night, it can range from me holding the crystal in my hand before i go to sleep, it could be me putting the crystal under my pillow, it could be literally the crystal being next to my bedside. so you can find a variation that works for you. 

I know when i started to put crystals under my pillow, that's when i noticed how effective this practice was, but i do understand you know depending on the way you fall asleep. sometimes we put our hand under our pillow and it can knock the crystal over, i kind of develop double up on my pillows, so that my back pillow has a crystal underneath it and then the pillow that i'm sleeping on does not have a crystal beneath it, because i do put my hand under my pillow. You can get one from a crystal shop near me. so that's kind of like a trick if you kind of want to have the crystal above your crown chakra which is a really nice placement to put these crystals to help you fall asleep, because it really just is like working with that chakra and opening our crown chakra up to receive relaxation and go out of consciousness really.


So the first crystal on this list is actually the first crystal i ever experimented with with helping me fall asleep at night and that is orca agate, orca agate has such a sweet way of calming the mind especially before bedtime. working with orca agate before bed is really key when we are having sleep issues. i remember the first time i saw the stone and i kind of guessed in my head, i just kind of had this feeling that this stone had something to do with calming us. it just had this very calming energy and then when i read the card the description of what orca agate was. i was so surprised that i was correct that that is exactly what it does. i would honestly say if you have trouble falling asleep at night, this is definitely a must-get crystal, because of the way it really does soothe our energy, even having this crystal next to your bedside that's primary.


How I use it I have it next to my bedside, i can feel this kind of calming sensation. while i'm laying on my bed getting ready to fall asleep, it just has this really nice energy to it. another hack when you're working with howlite that I've been doing I kind of saw this crystal pairing, and i wanted to experiment with it, and I was very pleased with the results and that is pairing how light and amethyst. amethyst by itself is a wonderful hack with having us fall asleep. amethyst helps us have vivid dreams, it helps us remember our dreams and when you pair amethyst with howlite, it just gives us this sweet energy to fall asleep, stay asleep, and also have a nice dream. 

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